Forecast and Plan

Accurately predict revenue outcomes and build a data-backed, achievable revenue plan.

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Outreach empowers our sales VPs to know exactly what reps are doing in their pipeline. It also gives them guidance on what deals should be pushed back or moved forward, as well as what should be closed and moved out of the pipeline completely.

Kumbi Murinda

Director of Revenue Operations

Over 6,000 global customers trust Outreach

Pipeline Inspection

Quickly assess and take swift action on deals that present opportunity and risk in your team’s pipeline. Make quick adjustments to the forecast to improve its accuracy and predictability

    Pipeline Management

    Create a detailed plan of the right activities when the team is coming up short and close gaps in pipeline coverage. Know how to ensure a healthy sales pipeline by identifying pipeline risk and preemptively influencing opportunities critical to the current and future quarters


      Improve forecast accuracy with insight into all stages of the funnel, audit the underlying assumptions in the forecast, and quickly drill down into how deals are moving at all levels of the organization. Identify, game out, and remediate risk by highlighting specific deals that contribute to pipeline softness in various scenarios.

        Annual Planning

        Establish a confidence-inspiring, strong foundation for annual planning that utilizes data instead of human assumptions to generate an attainable goal for the team with the appropriate strategy and tactics. Leverage buyer data, identify historical trends, and identify sources of pipeline and revenue to model revenue scenarios that support the annual plan.