Better prospecting, better coaching

    On-Demand Webinar

    Prospecting activities often start with a simple call, but what happens when that call connects? If sellers cant establish credibility, or if they hesitate they can lose hard-won prospects in a nanosecond.

    If sales leaders lack the visibility needed to spot key signals and trends they're likely not able to spot risk until it is too late. Too often, weve only learned from our mistakes after the fact. Its time to flip that script.

    Watch to learn why real-time enablement on every call is key to rep success and best practices to improve prospecting conversion rates, including how to:

    • Leverage real-time conversation intelligence on calls to guide reps with critical information - exactly when they need it
    • Automate manual tasks with real-time transcription, call notes, objection handling, and action items so your sellers can focus more on the customer
    • Gain visibility into critical call details and scale coaching across all calls to help your entire team overcome objections on the phone
    • Enable more effective selling, coaching, and better buyer experiences all in one single seller workflow – with a live demo of Kaia for Outreach Voice (which brings the benefits of conversation intelligence to prospecting calls for the first time ever!)


    Liz Dailing, Director, Product Marketing @ Outreach
    April Alexander, Senior Director, Product Management @ Outreach
    Colin Boilini, Associate SDR Manager @ Outreach


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