Sales teams must create and close more pipeline

Every sales team needs to do two things to drive revenue: create pipeline and close pipeline. It sounds simple. But this economic environment is forcing sellers to do more with less.

To compete today, sales leaders need a platform that unlocks seller productivity to help their teams efficiently create and predictably close more pipeline.

The problem with point solutions

CROs must dial in their entire sales cycle, including all the steps and tools that get their teams from prospecting to closing. Too many sales leaders identify pain in one part of their sales cycle and buy a sales technology to fix it. But point solutions don’t solve the underlying issues that cut across the sales cycle. What rep wants to switch between five or more sales tools for just one opportunity?

graphic illustrating a point solution problem
graphic showing a sales gap

Sales leaders face new obstacles

Business as usual won't cut it. The entire revenue organization must adapt.

Creating and closing pipeline has never been easy, but the current selling landscape has made it more challenging than ever.

  • Inbound interest is slowing
  • Marketing budgets are under pressure
  • Sales capacity is tightening
  • Business Development support is declining
  • Shareholders expect profitable growth
woman sitting at desk smiling with coworkers

New era, new rules

To accomplish any of this, sales teams need a better way to create and close the new logo and expansion pipeline.

Leaders need to find ways to make their sellers more productive. The mandates for today's leaders include:

  • Efficiency: Increase deal velocity and win rate
  • Productivity: Deliver more revenue per seller
  • Transformation: Digitize your sales team
  • Expansion: Grow revenue per customer
  • Predictability: Forecast your number with accuracy
No combination of tools offers a complete picture of your sales cycle. So data gets siloed. Sellers get confused. The tech becomes complex to manage. Yet the underlying productivity issues remain.

To create and close more pipeline — without piling on more reps, more point solutions, or more costs — sales teams must embrace technology to improve their sales execution.

GTM teams need a sales execution platform

Outreach is the only Sales Execution Platform that unlocks seller productivity to help sales teams efficiently create and close more pipeline.

graphic illustrating the outreach sales execution platform

Outreach is the single platform — and single source of truth — for AEs and their managers. It streamlines every sales activity into an intelligent sales workflow. By connecting data across every interaction from each deal, Outreach surfaces insights that help the entire team drive better sales outcomes.

As a result, sales teams can drive more revenue while lowering costs and risks across the organization.

Create and close more pipeline

Outreach helps sales teams increase win rates by 26%

Capture more revenue

Teams using Outreach increase their revenue by 9%

See how Outreach helps over 5,500 customers create and close more pipeline

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