Announcing automatic rescheduling for meeting no shows

Posted May 2, 2018

Outreach meetings prevents meeting cancellations and no-show follow ups from slipping through the cracks

How many times has a prospect or customer missed one of your meetings? How much time does that cost you? Meetings are the most important part of a salesperson’s day, but they’re not effective if you’re the only one on your conference line.

You’re not alone. Depending on your line of work, anywhere between a 20% to 35% meeting no show rate is standard. That’s the reality we live in -- one in every three to five of your meetings just doesn’t happen. Even the best baseball players sometimes miss on the first swing, but they’ll make the most of the next pitch

We’re excited to release Automatic Rescheduling & No Show Tracking for Outreach Meetings to help you keep track of no shows and follow up with those prospects automatically. Now all Outreach Meetings users will be able to mark prospects who miss a meeting as no-shows, create automatic follow up sequences to reschedule meetings with ease, and keep prospects engaged.

When a prospect doesn’t show up to your meeting, the most important thing you can do is take action as quickly as possible to keep them engaged. But it can be hard to keep track of who doesn’t show, and it’s laborious to manage and log follow up activities. Now you can do all of this in seconds with Outreach Meetings for both Gmail and Outlook! With Automatic Rescheduling & No Show Tracking, you can:

  • Mark a meetings as a no-show within Outreach for streamlined tracking, reporting, and analytics.
  • Set up automatic no-show follow ups to immediately take action, such as putting the prospect in a rescheduling sequence, to re-engage prospects who miss meetings.
  • Take those actions, like calling or emailing a prospect, right from the meeting page in Outreach
  • And customize no-show-triggered actions based on different meeting types.

The ability to track and take automated action when a prospect misses a meeting is a critical element of managing sales meetings effectively and improving hold rated. Our early adopters have already seen an improvement in their ability to reschedule meetings quickly, and have found no-show tracking and triggers is saving them time following up. Gabriella Sanfilippo from Neo4j said:

“Before using No-Shows, our SDRs had a difficult time managing and tracking prospects who did not attend scheduled meetings. Since No-Shows, [our] SDRs can now automatically sequence and follow up with prospects immediately after a missed meeting.”

In addition to no show tracking and triggers, we’ve recently released a handful of capabilities to enhance the way you schedule, hold, and follow up on meetings.

  • Availability in both Gmail and Outlook: Outreach Meetings works where you work!
  • Booked meeting triggers: Admins can schedule certain triggers to occur when a meeting is booked, based on certain criteria. For instance, you could create a trigger that creates a task to follow up with a manual email when a prospect with “Vice President” in their title schedules a meeting.
  • Customizable public calendar fields: Admins can choose which fields a prospect must fill out when booking a meeting with their team through Outreach Meetings.
  • Meeting owner reassignment: With Outreach Meetings, you can reassign the owner of the meeting or change the meeting type without deleting and recreating the event -- and more importantly, without requiring the prospect to re-accept the meeting that was so hard to land in the first place.

We’re excited to provide our customers with a way to manage and execute a flawless playbook when it comes to recapturing meeting no-shows. And with intelligent automation based on no-show tracking, you can spend less time sending emails and more time thinking about how to crush that call when you finally do get your prospect on the line. For more information, check out our support page.


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