Introducing a new way to sequence for better ABS and personalization

Posted February 8, 2018

Today, we released a small but mighty new sequencing capability to make your account based sales workflow even more actionable. Now you can sequence prospects (individually or in groups) from the accounts page. What this means for you: an easier way to select multiple similar companies you want to reach out to and mindfully sequence targeted prospects or personas from those companies without spamming entire organizations.

How it works:

You can now select a group of accounts you want to target and pull a list of prospects within those accounts. From there you can refine the group of prospects they want to target within the account, based on existing filters on the prospect page. You can also select prospects, accounts, tasks, sequence, templates, snippets and users across multiple result pages and it will keep track of who or which items are selected.

Why we recommend using this feature:

We are big believers in account based selling, and we subscribe to "Rule 52" (if you haven't heard of it before, listen up!). Rule 52 is a guideline that for successful account-based selling, you should be reaching out to or in contact with five prospects in a target account at any time, and that two of those prospects must be decision makers with purchasing power. Simple, right?

It's hard to get your prospect's attention, and even harder to be absolutely certain you're reaching out to the right people. Following Rule 52 helps you build familiarity among prospects you're trying to get in touch with, and sequencing prospects from the accounts page allows you to ensure you're reaching out to the right quantity and diversity of prospects in a given account.

A few actionable ways to get started today:

  • From the accounts page, you can filter by both account and by persona. This is a great opportunity to merge both persona-based and account-based selling. Select multiple similar accounts you're targeting, and then filter by persona. Now you can, for example, send the right message to all of the VPs of Finance at manufacturing firms, while sending a different customized message to Sales Directors at mid-sized tech companies. This is one way to ensure you have laser sharp messaging for both your decision makers and other key prospects without spending a ton of time reloading the same sequences.
  • Success managers can also make the most of this feature when segmenting communications to existing customers. They can select multiple accounts (for instance only accounts with access to a certain feature) to send instructions to activate that feature or specific product updates. Go one step further and filter in admins only to target communications even further.


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