Outreach announces transparent server status live updating

Posted May 5, 2016


Today, I'm excited to announce that we've made it easier than ever to get insights into the status of the Outreach servers that support your daily usage.

As a technology company, we focus on building an incredible product that makes sales teams more effective.

A big part of building a world class product is the monitoring and tuning of a highly performant infrastructure that makes our product SO fast and reliable.

The engineering team has built a robust monitoring system for application performance so we can spot trends on many aspects of our underlying service and adjust where necessary.

Today, if users go to status.outreach.io they will get access to a live-updating system monitor that provides information on many dimensions of our application's performance.

Let's take a look!


We break service status into many dimensions of our service architecture that would effect users.

When any dimension is operating nominally, you will see "Operational" in green.

When a dimension is experiencing abnormal latency, it will change status and turn from green to yellow, orange or red.

During any significant increase in latency, we will disclose a brief note about what is causing the issue, and what we're doing to resolve it.

Additional Information

We believe that giving our customers visibility into the performance status of Outreach is key to building strong relationships with our customers.

We're excited to give our users this transparency into how we work every day to make your experience amazing.


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