Sales content: It’s time for an overhaul

    It’s a tale as old as time. Revenue organizations create an abundance of great sales content, but over time it becomes harder and harder for sales reps to find what they need when they need it. That’s not only frustrating, but it can also hamper sales knowledge transfer and – even worse – deal speed.

    Like a good spring cleaning, it’s time to clean up your sales content closet.

    Download this newly released Forrester brief, Sales Content: It’s Time for an Overhaul, where they share a four-phase approach to building content that drives greater sales force productivity, as well as best practices within each phase. You’ll get details on:

    • Who should be involved in the sales content committee
    • How to assess the state of your organizations’ sales content
    • What it looks like to create a strategy for content delivery moving forward
    • How to achieve scalability and continuous content improvement

    Grab your copy now!


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