We’ve all done it: you successfully jumped through all the hoops to buy that fancy new technology with all the bells and whistles that are going to change your life... and then promptly proceeded to use only one-fourth of the features. It’s easy to fall back into old patterns. But now that you’ve won over your procurement team with a flashy parade of “new features” and “ROI” and “long-term cost savings”, here’s how to make sure to truly get the value out of your software purchase. Remember, teams are getting leaner every day, and many IT teams are beginning to implement usage audits or similar measures to make sure every purchase is worthwhile. Don’t get called out for low usage. In the future, a Low Volume User may be even worse than Guy who Brought his Tuna Sandwich to a Meeting. Dark!
By using what you already have and milking that technology for all its worth, you can feel truly validated in your purchase and be good steward of your company’s budget. In my experience, the right technology can give you back hours a day - but only if you have the discipline and the focus to maximize your usage.
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