Outreach + Databricks: Drive faster, actionable sales insights

Posted January 19, 2024

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Data is only as good as what you can do with it. And it’s hard to do anything effectively with broken, incomplete, outdated, and siloed data. When daily information silos have grown, on average, to 10 customer channels, 10 sales tools, and 7 buyers1, valuable sales data must be shared with the right people at the right time to deliver successful results. 

No one wins when sales teams and leadership don’t have the necessary insights into what is happening in a sales cycle. Prospects are pestered at inconvenient times with incorrect information. Sales teams operate with delayed or outdated information. Sellers waste time cobbling together spreadsheets imported from different data sources to get visibility into what they need to do to close deals. And it’s not just sellers and prospects — various teams, like marketing or RevOps, have a vested interest in sales activities, but lack the insights to assess how sales impacts their work. In the absence of clarity, sales teams and those who support them cannot proactively address problems before they arise.

We at Outreach are happy to say that the days of siloed information are over — and are excited to announce the upcoming private preview of Outreach Data Sharing with Databricks.

Outreach + Databricks partnership

Databricks has been increasing market share as a platform for both engineers and data scientists to perform company-wide analyses. Outreach Data Sharing with Databricks helps to provide data scientists and analysts with critical sales data coming from Outreach to Databricks for further analysis. Through our partnership with Databricks, joint customers can take advantage of Databricks Delta Sharing to securely share live data with business units and subsidiaries across clouds or regions, without needing to replicate it or send a file. Delta Sharing provides the first open-source approach to sharing data with strong security and governance, and no vendor lock-in. 

For Outreach customers focused on go-to-market and sales efforts, our partnership gives you the ability to expand the visibility of the hard work your sellers are doing to a wider audience within your organization. You now have the ability to deliver sales data that can contribute to a wide variety of analysis and reporting.

Art of the possible using Outreach Data Sharing with Databricks

Once your Outreach data is available in Databricks, what you can do with it is up to you! But here are a few instances we recommend to get you started: 

Finding patterns in closed-won insights

Using Outreach Data Sharing, sales teams can combine Outreach data with other potential indicators, such as the number of days before prospects begin their proof-of-concept, weekly active users in trial accounts, and profiles from customer intelligence solutions like ZoomInfo or Crunchbase. These inputs allow for identifying the most promising opportunities during your sales cycle, increasing deal closing rates.

Determining sequence effectiveness 

Take raw data from Outreach and combine it with data from your customer data platform or product analytics in Databricks. From Databricks, you can draw the output into analytics tooling to gain insights into which customer profiles react well to a sequence. You can use this information to further focus rep efforts on that profile using targeted campaigns.

Uniting sales and marketing analytics

Join Outreach sequence data with marketing data from a marketing automation solution. The resulting combined datasets and output can give your business leaders insight into how outbound marketing efforts are resulting in closed sales. 

Tracking activity to value

In addition to combining marketing and sales data together, Outreach data can also be combined with data from ERP systems. Connecting sales execution data with these backend systems can help your team  gain a better understanding of the path to realizing revenue. 

Get started today

If you’re interested in breaking down your data silos and doing more with your Outreach data, Outreach is offering a private preview that includes a free trial to our customers. If you have Outreach and Databricks and want to get started, contact your customer success manager or account executive, or reach out to support.


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