Introducing Kaia for Microsoft Teams, plus new governance capabilities

Posted March 15, 2022

We’ve seen how beneficial Outreach’s AI-powered virtual assistant Kaia can be for sales teams, so we’re thrilled to announce new enhancements to help even more teams succeed with real-time intelligence.

There’s a good chance you’re dealing with some of the struggles many remote sales teams face today — including not enough time to coach and guide reps while overseeing teams that manage numerous opportunities.

When reps are distracted, ill-equipped, or unprepared, they’re unable to deliver a strong proposition — and you’re bound to lose out on opportunities.

With Kaia, not only can you guide reps in real-time instead of after the call, but you can also know the status of every deal that makes up your forecast and dive deeper only where needed — saving you time, while also helping your reps win.

Introducing Kaia + Microsoft Teams

In addition to our existing Zoom capabilities, customers will now be able to add Kaia to Microsoft Teams meetings, giving you more power and productivity in the same platform used across enterprise sales teams. 

We all know that deals are driven by a series of buyer and seller interactions and meetings. In our hybrid work world, many of those meetings take place in virtual environments with buying committees all over the globe. As G2’s number one video conferencing software for enterprise businesses, there’s a good chance your sales teams are already using Microsoft Teams.

And now when you add Kaia to Microsoft Teams meetings, you can access all of Kaia’s capabilities within Microsoft Teams, eliminating the need to toggle between systems.

New governance capabilities to meet your organization’s requirements

We’re adding more governance capabilities across the Outreach Sales Execution Platform to continue to meet the most stringent requirements. This includes features like Roles Based Access Control to enforce required security for sensitive meeting content. Now in Kaia, you can leverage privacy settings to ensure only intended audiences have access to meeting recordings. Your organization now has multiple ways to manage access to meeting content, including:

  • Default visibility, which relies on your CRM permissions and settings
  • Private to meeting invitees
  • Visibility for your entire organization

These new settings mean that in addition to being able to share recordings with your sales teams to use as a coaching tool, you can also mark specific meetings private for the most restricted content access.

Guide your sellers to success

Identifying risks and staying ahead of the competition requires diving deep into deals, meeting notes, and data — and it takes massive amounts of time. Let Kaia do the work for you with a single view into the rich history of all your reps’ meetings, recapped in an easy-to-consume way.

Use Kaia to:

  1. Leverage collective intelligence to spot key signals on deal risk, deal progression, and competitive intelligence in all your meetings and calls
  2. View immediate actionable meeting summaries in your inbox, including any follow-up items reps have promised
  3. Save time and increase productivity by getting automatic notifications on trends and key areas of interest instead of manually searching through calls

Want to learn more? Request a demo or follow us on LinkedIn for more updates.


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