Sales engagement podcast episodes for working from home

Posted April 2, 2020

We know that working from home is on everybody’s mind right now, so what better time to listen to The Sales Engagement podcast or revisit your favorite episodes.

To curate your listening, we rounded up four podcast episodes that speak to #remotelyfe.

These episodes cover management during uncertainty, social media strategies, incorporating video into enterprise sales, and humanizing your messaging.

We hope you’ll listen, learn, and feel empowered to keep calm and carry on selling even while you’re social distancing.

Ben Dietz, President of Mintel Americas at Mintel

Episode 155 of The Sales Engagement Podcast came out in late March, after many major cities around the world began to shelter-in-place to combat the spread of COVID-19. The situation has left many sales leaders wondering, “What do we do now?”

Ben recommends these three things leaders should do in these difficult times: Communicate. Be Transparent. Stand Out.

Listen to the episode to learn exactly how to execute those three things. Even if you think you already know, now is a good time to be reminded.

Amy Volas, Founder and CEO of Avenue Talent Partners
LinkedIn has been extremely important in the B2B sales space for a while now, but with the sudden shift almost all sales now being worked on virtually, this leading social network will become all the more essential for making connections.

Amy recommends “identify your niche” and working your way up to becoming a meaningful contributor on LinkedIn, which is a great way to maintain connection with people and community while social distancing.

Listen to the episode to learn how to build your LinkedIn brand and deepen professional relationships with people.

Sati Hillyer, Founder and CEO of OneMob

If you can’t meet in person, a video is the next best thing (as many Zoom happy hour attendees know). Video can also be a powerful tool for an outbound enterprise sales strategy.

In this episode, Sati Hillyer talks about the human connection of video, when to personalize or generalize, how to create an effective video for enterprises, and how to deal with mistakes and imperfections.

If you’re considering adding video to your outbound sales playbook, this episode is a must-listen.

Daniel Rodriguez, Head of Revenue at Alyce

In times of crisis, it’s especially important to be an empathetic seller. Marketing messaging and sales Sequences that were effective before may fall flat when the going gets rough.

Daniel’s 5 Pillars to the Human Selling Approach are:

  1. Be Thoughtful
  2. Interact with the person, not the persona
  3. Give consistently
  4. Empower buyers with choice
  5. Stand for something

Listen to the episode to learn how to adjust your current marketing and sales strategies to be more authentic, human, and impactful.

Did you learn something new from any of these Sales Engagement Podcast episodes? Share your takeaways on LinkedIn and tag the speaker!


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